Monday 11 October 2021

Mon 11th Oct: Goodbye Lionrock, hello Kompasu

 Thankfully there was a break in the weather meaning I could get over to Hong Kong to stock up for the next typhoon, and some of the dog food needed for Lamma could be put on a sampan. I think everyone is noticing shortages on supermarket shelves and it's no different with the dog food suppliers, so there have been a lot of unhappy dogs at my house and with some refusing to eat.  In that regard animals are the same as children, and I have certain dogs that only like a particular food and won't even look at alternatives.  How can I explain that it's not my fault when they look at me expectantly, waiting for stop messing around and to give them what I know they want?

The food supply situation isn't helped by the fact that we're bracing for another typhoon, perhaps a big one, and I hope everyone has seen the Facebook post asking for Typhoon Fosters.  If you can help you will need to get to the Tai Po Homing Centre as soon as possible as it's likely there will be a T8 signal by this afternoon.  The link for foster registration is below, and we do need that so we have contact information.  Please be sensible about offering to foster a dog because not all homes are suitable to take in a large dog, even for a short period.  If you have cats for example, and everyone is going to be inside and maybe in a small space, that probably won't work.  The worst thing is when someone takes a dog home and then has to bring it back in the middle of the typhoon.  Having said that, we're incredibly grateful for the kindness shown when help is so urgently needed, so thank you to everyone who has responded.

As the strong typhoon approaches, we are still in need of more typhoon fosters for the dogs at Tai Po Homing Centre. If you can foster a large-sized dog and come pick up a dog before 5pm today, please complete the Foster Questionnaire:

Ripple and Wavy

There was good news about two more of the Rain Babies that didn't turn up with the four that were dropped off on Sunday, as they survived the night so came to us today.  We had their foster home on standby so they're now safe and dry, just like their siblings.  It's very sad to know that these six are exceptionally lucky, and it's thanks to the rescuer who goes out searching every night.  It's due to her dedication and determination that so many lives have been saved, too many to even count.

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