Tuesday 7 September 2021

Tues 7th Sept: Still more new arrivals at Ap Lei Chau

 We may be getting some smaller puppies in, due to arrive on Wednesday and really very lovely, so I'll be sharing information and photos in tomorrow's post.  In the meantime you can complete the adoption questionnaire at www.hongkongdogrescue.com/adopt/adoption-questionnaire/ if interested, and as always we will choose the homes that we think can offer the best life to these youngsters, or indeed any of our dogs and puppies.  

Digby on arrival 

I can share one older puppy's photo as he's already with us, currently in a foster home after having had surgery on one hip.  When labrador Digby was surrendered to us we were expecting something really bad in terms of his hips or legs, as we were told he couldn't walk.  In fact it was the typical hip dysplasia that's so common in this breed that it's almost inevitable. Dr Tony at Acorn carried out the femoral head excision surgery, meaning the "ball" at the top of the femur that's supposed to sit in the hip socket (but in the case of dysplasia doesn't) is removed.  You'd think that would leave a dog unable to use its leg but recovery is fast, and scar tissue that forms creates a substitute joint.  Now Digby is available for adoption, and once again we'll choose the home that we think can offer the best life for him.    
Piggy loves her life at the Homing Centre

Cocker spaniel Phaedra finally left hospital and moved to the Ap Lei Chau Homing Centre to begin her socialisation and behaviour assessment. I suggested that we start by putting her upstairs with the medium-sized "Shy Squad" so we can see how she interacts with them.  I suspect sweet girl Piggy will be the one to welcome Phaedra as that's what she has done with all new arrivals. (Miss) Piggy was a Lamma dog for many years, but moving to the Homing Centre transformed her life and I'm always so happy to see how she's blossomed.  Now she's not even really shy any more, and maybe one day someone will choose her to be their own sweet dog. 

Talking of Lamma, Iris made the new-regular day trip over to check on and groom the Small Delinquents, and once again I was struck by the similarity between Banjo and new boy Pipkin. Can you see it too?

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