Thursday 16 September 2021

Thurs 16th Sept: Incoming, and still more to come

Ruthie hading home 

 I'm going to start with the adoption of Ruthie, which I'd already hinted at but today was the day she went home.  The three sisters, Lula, Lizzie and Lyra, also left the Homing Centre to move to Whiskers N Paws as (hopefully temporary) residents, and it's just as well we had four leaving as we took in a lot more than that, with more still to come over the next day or so.
5 of the 6 new small dogs

We were initially expecting new small dogs to arrive on Friday, but they actually came today in the late afternoon.  We're never quite sure what and how many of those we've been told about will actually materialise, but for now we have six gorgeous newbies to sort, name and get to a vet.  The second group are now due to arrive on Saturday afternoon, and depending on what they are I have homes pre-booked. 

This Frenchie also arrived today

If you're interested in adopting please complete the questionnaire (at so we can arrange meetings based on the suitability of the potential home.  At the point of writing I don't know anything about the new dogs, even what sex they are, so please don't rush to ask questions.  As to where they all come from, again we have no idea.  The first contact is Catherine's Puppies, and knowing that we can take in groups at short notice Catherine then forwards to HKDR.  She also doesn't know the source, so we don't ever have information to share.  We can also only do a basic assessment of temperament, and these dogs are usually either immediately friendly or initially shy and that's as much as we can say.  

Pipkin today

Pipkin came with a previous group from the same source, and he went to ALCVC today for his second vaccination.  The van (actually car) was held up by heavy traffic so staff and volunteers had to walk or wheel the dogs and puppies up the road to the clinic, with Pipkin walking of course.  He's changed a lot since his first days as a timid and suspicious boy, and you can see from his big smile that he rather liked having to walk to his vet appointment. 

Our driver Ming had a very busy day, which is pretty normal for him, which started with dropping off the banged-up van for repair, but not until he'd been to AFCD Shatin to pick up the four puppies that we'd agreed to take.  They're all boys, in two pairs with one couple, Piers and Morgan,  being older than babies Ronnie and Reggie (they're now in foster care). 

Switching to the donated car (I knew we'd need it for such occasions when the van was out of use) there were Tai Po dogs to take to the vet, including sweet girl Sparkle who had a hard lump on her shoulder that I'd assumed was a lipoma (fatty lump).  As it turned out it was fat, but there was an abscess in the middle which needed to be drained, so if anyone can offer Sparkle a foster home so the wound can stay clean and dry, please let Cindy know by emailing (and that applies of course to all offers of fostering).

Two newborns urgently need foster care

You'll need Cindy's email address if you're able to help with two newborns that were found during the Thursday night and are now in urgent need of a place to stay.  They will need bottle feeding, and we'll provide all milk, bottles and everything else if you're able to take care of them. 


  1. If Ruthie's owners want to reach out I'm sure her 'sister' would love to see her and I'm so pleased she's going home :)

  2. What a cute bunch of new dogs! They all look wonderful! Sorry I'm behind with my posts as things have been quite hectic recently and I'm just catching up on things now! Pipkin is really cute!
