Wednesday 5 September 2018

Weds 5th Sept: Please complete the adoption questionnaire

Turpin, lying on Tracker, is very thin and has big sores on his body
One thing I can pretty much guarantee is that if it's my day off there will be all sorts of things happening that need my attention or input, and I spent most of the afternoon and evening madly sending and receiving messages.  This work is anything but a nine to five job, and for the HKDR Homing Centre Managers their work continues long after the dogs are put to bed and the lights turned off. 

The dog that was the reason for all of today's back-and-forth messaging was the Boston terrier Turpin, and as a result and to avoid any further disputes, we'll be keeping him until he has put on enough weight to be suitable for surgery to remove the blocked saliva gland which is the cause of the large lump in his throat.

Dr Seems of Acorn paid a visit to our Tai Po Homing Centre today as there were so many new dogs that needed both health checks and vaccinations, as well as microchips and rabies shots.  Once again we can only estimate the ages of these dogs, and it's often very hard to be accurate once they're past puppyhood and somewhere in between being a year and ten years.  Ex-breeder dogs often have prematurely bad teeth as well as wear and tear on their bodies due to poor living conditions and the toll of having litter after litter.

Nanuk the big bear
One of the Malamutes that was seen by Dr Seems had already been chosen for adoption and was just waiting for the all-clear before being picked up.  Nanuk is like a big bear and weighs almost fifty kilos, so she was very lucky to have found a family with a big home and lots of space.

I was also busy today replying to adoption enquiries regarding the new dogs, and most of my replies were simply to ask that the adoption questionnaire be completed as a first step.  It's pointless giving information about the dogs only to find out that the home isn't suitable for whatever reason, and having the completed form allows us to recommend dogs that would be a good fit for both the home and family.

We have a lot of new dogs coming in on a daily basis at the moment, mostly larger breeds and all ages, and it's impossible to be able to post all of the information on the website immediately.  If you are genuinely looking for a dog to adopt, please don't ask us what we have available but complete the Adoption Questionnaire on our website (under Adopt) and we can tell you about the dogs that are a match.

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