Monday 17 September 2018

Mon 17th Sept: Send us your typhoon foster photos

It was a day of cleaning and clearing for most of Hong Kong, with many homes very badly affected by the typhoon.  The bay where I live is exposed to the elements and there was sustantial damage, some irreparable, so I will be at home until later in the week as I try to pick up the pieces - literally.  That means I'm not going to be able to write with any first-hand knowledge of what's been going on in Tai Po or Ap Lei Chau and will have to rely on messages from the Homing Centres, as well as Acorn where the breeder dogs are being sent to continue the desexing schedule.

Google was a lovely boy
There was one very sad situation with shih tzu Google, who had been treated for pneumonia and became very ill again on Sunday.  He was sent to Acorn today but I had to agree to euthanasia after his condition became critical and he wasn't responding to the emergency treatment.  Google was surrendered to us in August, and as he had no microchip showing his age we never really knew.  In one way he appeared to be quite young, but he had a serious case of demodex which in an adult dog usually indicates some underlying health issue.  When the breathing difficulties started and turned into pneumonia, poor Google never really recovered.
Now we know O'Malley is fine with cats!

The demodex in Google's paws probably meant there was something serious wrong

The Tai Po dogs that were taken for fostering during the bad weather are starting to return, but if anyone is able to keep their dogs until all of the clean-up work is done it would be very helpful.  We've been getting lovely photos and updates from the foster parents, and in almost all cases the dogs have settled into a home life very quickly.  Please do send us your own foster stories, as these help us to find permanent homes.  Thank you once again to everyone who helped out in whatever way as it turned out to be a real lifesaver.
Polly says thank you to her typhoon foster, also Polly

Talking of Life Saver, our long-term Life Saver Club volunteer, Shaline, is now expecting her third child and has asked if we would be able to find a replacement.  This is all work that can be done from home and I know Shaline will be happy to train up anyone who can take over, and all we ask is that the commitment can be long(ish) term.   Please email me initially at if you are willing and able to take on this very important volunteer work.
Would you like to take over as the Life Saver Club Volunteer Coordinator?

1 comment:

  1. And to think that Carrie Lam announced that HK escaped largely unscathed from the typhoon!!! Was her head in the sand? A lot of damage was down everywhere! She's totally out-of-touch with reality!
