Saturday 1 September 2018

Sat 1st Sept: Suddenly in need of a lot of homes for big dogs

Lucky Hercules was adopted just in time
Just when you think the day is done and you can stop constantly checking messages, along comes the news that a breeder is giving up a lot of dogs to comply with the numbers restriction that is part of the Animal Trader License requirements.  There are apparently forty-plus dogs being thrown out, which gives you an idea of the current overcrowding situation, and we have been asked to take twenty or so of the larger breeds like labrador, husky, rottweiler, malamute.   We have been told they are aged between nine months and two years, but you have to take into account the fact that breeders are liars, cheats and the lowest of the low, so the dogs may be all ages and in any sort of condition.  I understand they need to be picked up on Monday so we will be asking for help with transport if any of you have cars and are available and willing to drive possibly (probably) smelly large dogs from (I'm guessing) Yuen Long to Tai Po.

Obviously suddenly having to add a large number of dogs to the Tai Po Homing Centre is going to be a challenge, putting it mildly, so we are in really urgent need of foster homes if not adopters.  However this doesn't mean that we will let the dogs got to unsuitable homes, temporary or permanent, and the usual criteria will still apply.  It needs to be remembered that breeder dogs aren't toilet trained, even if they are usually nice dogs with calm temperaments, so they will need to be taken out frequently to get them into the habit of toileting in appropriate places.   If you are able to foster please email Cindy at, while for adoptions you will need to complete the adoption questionnaire on our website (under Adopt).

Take the MTR or bus to Tai Po
The rain has been relentless as you all know, and it has certainly affected the adoption numbers at Tai Po even if the overall total for August (thirty five) wasn't at all bad for a traditionally slow period.  Please remember that we are open every single day, rain or sun, and even during typhoons, and the Tai Po dogs needs homes more then ever during this very wet period.

Tai Po:
Smartie (Border Collie)
Rolex (Multibreed)

Ap Lei Chau:
Popcorn (Poodle)
Oyster (Multibreed puppy)
Airport (Poodle)
Turnip (Poodle)
Speedo (Poodle)
Chowder (Chow Chow)
Patsy (Multibreed)
Izzy (Yorkie)
Skittle (Poodle)
Frito (Poodle)
Suki (Poodle)
Maddie (Poodle)
Jelly (Yorkie)
Tisha (Multibreed puppy)
Parker (Multibreed puppy)
Lucky & Whiskers (Frenchie/Poodle Mix)
Maggie (Japanese Spitz)
Taro (Bichon)
Milo (Shiba Inu)

Whiskers N Paws:

Foster Home:
Mangrove (Multibreed puppy)
Hercules (Malamute)
Midge (Multibreed puppy)
Stella (Multibreed puppy)
Nona (Shiba Inu)

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