Friday 21 September 2018

Fri 21st Sept: Dogs don't even know what disability is

I've had the strangest week, and not the best I must admit.  I'm still coming to terms with the devastation caused by last Sunday's typhoon, both mentally and physically, as every day has been spent moving blocks of concrete, shovelling sand and hauling twisted and broken wire fencing.  All of the floating pontoons in the bay have been destroyed so there's no access for boats other than at high tide, so I'll have to think of a way I can get to Sunday's Whiskers N Paws puppy afternoon - and back.

Zorro and Donna, which is which?
While days are spent outside trying to make headway with clearing the destroyed outside dog area, I'm doing other work at the computer in the early morning and evenings, and that's how I came to be arranging the adoption of puppy Zorro, the remaining labrador puppy, just before I went to bed.  That means of course that he won't be at Whiskers N Paws with the other hopefuls, but Iris sent me this photo of him with another black puppy I took from AFCD as a singleton, and asked me to guess who was the labrador?  The truth is I couldn't tell who was Donna and who was Zorro, can you?

While Tai Po is slowly getting back to normal, and is of course open for adoptions any time, our Ap Lei Chau Homing Centre was lucky to have avoided any damage and daily life is continuing with the usual vet visits and dogs being taken for walks by the volunteers.  I think we are very lucky to have found our new(ish) Homing Centre and office in such a perfect location, and Ap Lei Chau has always been a great area for dogs.  Now with the Lei Tung MTR Station just a few minutes away and the dog park about the same distance from us, I couldn't be happier.
One of the new poodles

Another of the new poodles
We added three more poodles to our Ap Lei Chau family today, seven to eight years old and all with heartworm.  We have also been asked to take a shiba inu puppy with some physical problems, although we don't know yet what they are.  The sad fact is that it seems nobody wants a puppy that's not perfect, so although Toto the poodle pup is as happy and playful as any other, not to mention very cute, there's been no interest.  Likewise Poppet the Maltese pup, also a happy little girl despite being deaf and blind.  Bitsy the bichon with the paralysed back legs is Toto's best friend and playmate, and watching the two of them is the best entertainment.  Only humans care about looks, breeds and disabilities, not the animals themselves.
Toto and Bitsy are just one of the happy Ap Lei Chau Crowd
Poppet the baby Maltese

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