Monday 19 February 2018

Mon 19th Feb: A miserable end to the holidays

Well, I had a miserable end to the Chinese New Year holidays with three return requests one after the other in the evening, just as I was getting ready to log off from Facebook and email. Two of these were puppies that had been adopted at Whiskers N Paws, one of which is now an adult and hasn't been vaccinated, licensed or desexed.  The adopter was too busy apparently and it just slipped her mind.  The third dog is a poodle who was very sweet with her previous foster and can hopefully go back there, but that's not the point.  We are not a lending library or a clothes shop where you can take your purchases back if not fully satisfied, and you don't return a dog, you abandon it.   If you can't commit to your promises of a lifetime, then foster but don't adopt.  It's not only that we have the problem of where to put these poor throwaways, it's the dogs themselves that are our biggest concern.  They have done nothing wrong, they don't know why they are being rejected and losing their homes, and they are the ones that suffer.

I have someone working remotely on my computer to make sure it can never be infected by viruses or hackers, and that's why this blog post is short, though not too sweet.

I hope I will have happier news tomorrow.

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