Thursday 14 July 2016

Thurs 14th July: Three more lucky dogs

Suzie and Pops adopted together
Starting with more good news today, another puppy was adopted from our Ap Lei Chau Homing Centre along with Pops, a very sweet little guy who I'd posted on Facebook in the hope it would find him a home, and it did.  So Suzie and Pops are now residents of Repulse Bay, a far cry from AFCD and their former lives.

In the same Facebook post as Pops I'd also profiled Yorkshire terrier Mona, the last of the group of breeder dogs that came from AFCD together.  She'd almost had a home last week but when that didn't happen I thought I'd better give her a boost, and as a result she too is now in a home.
Mona has also gone to a new home

I only stopped briefly at AFCD in Pokfulam today as I needed to get ownership of a surrendered American cocker spaniel changed, and I also wanted to say goodbye and thank you to the person who's been handling the re-homing for the past couple of years.  Ken Kwan is moving on to another department within AFCD, and when I asked him if he was happy about that he said yes, agreeing that his soon-to-be-vacant job was probably the worst.  I don't think anyone likes having to deal with killing dogs, at least I hope not, and I know the staff are always happy when I take any out.

There were new dogs that had been brought in by the dog catchers, from Lamma and from Lantau, but sadly not any I would consider to be homeable so they will meet their maker very soon. I try not to dwell on it knowing there's nothing I can do to save their lives, but for that moment when I see them and have to choose life or death it's really very hard.

I did say yes to yet another turtle although I still have a few from last year, so if anyone can adopt one or more red-eared sliders please please let me know.  They range from medium to large sized, and I can't keep them all.

The real purpose of my outing today was to take Hilton to see a vet, and I'm happy I did because I was wrong in thinking he had a dislocated hip because what he actually has is a fibrocartilaginous embolism (FCE) which is something like a stroke in the spinal column which leads to (hopefully temporary) loss of blood supply to the affected limb(s).  I suppose Hilton is lucky that it's only the one leg that's affected so he can still get around, albeit dragging his "dead" leg along.  I'll have to get a sock or a boot to protect his toes from being rubbed raw, which is already starting to happen, but other than that it's  case of wait-and-see (and hope).

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