Friday 5 July 2019

Fri 5th July: Tina's around but only at night

A happy Tina
Tina the runaway terrier has now been seen a few times in and around the Ap Lei Chau Main Street area, but it's always late at night and she runs away when spotted so it's incredibly frustrating.  I spent time this afternoon looking in places that she could be hiding during the day but there are so many, and you forget that just behind the built-up streets there are many trees and the remains of the old Ap Lei Chau, like small temples where cats live and are fed.  If we put out a trap for Tina we'd end up with cats inside for sure, so I'm really not sure how we're going to be able to catch her.   It's such a shame as all of the others that came with her have settled so well and are happy and friendly, and I know that Tina would be the same given the same chance.
Tina running away at the Ap Lei Chau waterfront

We took in a couple of new dogs at Tai Po today, but these will have the be the last until we move some out to homes.  They're both lovely, and one of them is especially notable because she's a young rottweiler with a long tail.   In the UK and many other countries it's illegal to dock tails or crop ears, so all poodles, spaniels, dobermans etc have the tails and ears they were born with and look so much better for it.  It's cruel and unnecessary to cut body parts off puppies and I have no idea why anyone would want to do it.
This lovely young rottie girl has a full tail 

We'll be at Concordia Pet Care in Happy Valley on Saturday with a collection of our younger puppies, and of course at Whiskers N Paws on Sunday afternoon with the older ones too.

Remember you can also meet the dogs and puppies any day of the week too, at 5 Wai Fung Street, Ap Lei Chau or 6 Shek Lin Road, Tai Po. We are open every single day of the year from 10am to 6pm.

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