Monday 20 June 2022

Mon 20th June: More happy adoptions

 I'm so happy to be able to confirm the names and details of the dogs that have been adopted, those I've been hinting about in previous posts.  I'd already mentioned Pickle, one of the two non-huskies from the "rooftop" case, and now another two more of the actual huskies from the same situation have had their adoptions confirmed.  This time it's Leia and Aurora.  The photos on the left show them on the day that they arrived, with another girl Trinity (Trinnie) turning up a few days later. The huskies whose adoptions have not yet been confirmed are Hera, Loki and Trinnie.
Adrienne is home forever

Also moving from her foster home to her forever family is Doberman Adrienne.  She came to us from AFCD looking so thin and ill that we thought she must have a chronic health issue, but happily it was just that she had been underfed and neglected.  Her new home is perfect, and I hope she has many years left to enjoy it.

Another adoption interview took place in the evening, and although not an immediate success there will be a second meeting on Tuesday.  The thing is that with many adoption meetings, the dog knows that it's the focus of attention and interest and starts to feel very uneasy.  This is particularly true of foster dogs who have settled in their temporary homes, and suddenly these strangers turn up and want to immediately become a best friend.   The best way to arrange these meetings is for the dog to be taken for a walk with both the foster and potential adopter, and no attention paid to the dog.  In this way there's no suspicion aroused, and the dog will act normally.   Dogs aren't stupid and they are very much aware that something is going on, so they react accordingly. 

More and more people are becoming aware of the free Will-writing service at 遺善最樂 , and leaving a legacy to HKDR and the dogs.  Of course this is not an immediate donation,  but a promise for the future that is not only meaningful but also offers peace of mind.  Normally writing a Will is quite expensive, but with 遺善最樂 it's absolutely free, and the only stipulation is that a donation to a charity is included.  We're very grateful to everyone who has chosen HKDR to be their beneficiary, and please do take a look at the link to see how you can do the same.

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