Sunday 15 May 2022

Sun 15th May: Not forgetting the many dogs at HKDR

Lucky Dotty!

 We were very lucky with the weather at Whiskers N Paws for the puppy party today, and everyone had a wonderful time playing on the terrace.  Thanks to our volunteer photographer (and photography coordinator) Elena Mathew, for a wonderful set of photos which you can see here  Puppy Adoption Day 15th May 2022.  There are so many great shots of the puppies playing and having fun, it's impossible to choose just one. There were two lucky pups today, one of them being Kennedy Town resident Dotty, and the other being Kingsley, who has been staying in a loving foster home since he was a baby.
Lucky Kingsley!

This coming week is going to be a busy one, with all of the new dogs at Tai Po and Kennedy Town booked to have their vet checks, and any other treatments they may need including desexing.  The huskies have been used for breeding and may have recently had puppies, or be pregnant (we really hope they aren't), and from what we have seen of the situation the dogs were rescued from it appears that they had free access to each other.  Certainly a couple of the dogs look like husky crosses, and it's even possible that the terrier type, Jigsaw, has a husky mother and an unknown father. 

On Tuesday we'll be taking another group of "rooftop" dogs from AFCD, and at this point I'm not exactly sure what they are, but I assume some are huskies. 

I remember Oakley when he was a puppy

In all of the drama and publicity of the "rooftop"  case, it's important to remember that there are hundreds of other dogs at our Tai Po Homing Centre equally deserving of attention and homes.  On top of that, with so many long-termers reaching their senior years, there are inevitably health issues arising that have to be dealt with.  Oakley, for example, has been seen to be losing weight so we have to get that checked, while Foxy has diarrhoea, another case for a vet visit.   The dogs are always monitored for their health and condition, and once reported they will be sent to one of the clinics that we use (no one single clinic can handle the number of dogs that we have at HKDR).  The same applies to my aging Lamma dogs, many of whom are now fourteen years or older, so there is always at least one or two that have age-related health problems.  

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