Saturday 14 May 2022

Sat 14th May: What a day!

 What an incredible day we had, starting with the arrival of seven huskies and eight poodles, and ending with all of the huskies in foster homes.  Huge thanks to everyone who helped with the sorting, washing and foster applications, and of course to the foster parents themselves.  As you will see form the photo of Loki, he looks completely relaxed and happy, probably for the first time in his life. 
Loki looking totally in heaven

There are more dogs from this case to be picked up from AFCD, either on Monday or Tuesday, so please watch out for further news on that. 

The poodles were sent on to our Kennedy Town Homing Centre and were lucky enough to be offered an immediate appointment at Acorn, so although they're still in urgent need of a haircut at least that's one major item ticked off the list.  The poodles all have eye and ear infections, and they'll all be shaved when we have time to do that.   We're already receiving adoption enquiries, but please be patient and wait until we have had time to assess the dogs' health and behaviour, and for now at least we're not looking for foster homes.  I should also mention that these are not small-sized poodles (except for one of them), so they will need as much exercise as any other lively and active dog. 

As the new poodles arrived at Kennedy Town, another poodle was heading out.  Gyro has been waiting for a quite while for his forever home, mainly due to the fact that he has ongoing pain in his neck. When it's bad he needs pain relief, and even when the pain subsides he has to have regular acupuncture sessions, as well as TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). His adopter was fully briefed about what to expect and what was needed, and more than anything else Gyro can now have the full attention and love of his own family. 

Little Gyro has his own family now

One of the "Rooftop" dogs that came in the first group of four from AFCD was also adopted.  I know it wouldn't take long for Jigsaw to be chosen because she's totally gorgeous, and in fact her adopters are long-term volunteers at our Tai Po Homing Centre so we can be absolutely sure they can provide a wonderful life for this little dog. 

Gorgeous Jigsaw heading home

Something that I need to mention about our new Kennedy Town Homing Centre is that it's really quite small, and unlike our previous Ap Lei Chau Centre, it's also not conveniently situated close to rubbish bins or garbage collection points.  This means staff or volunteers have to carry all of the rubbish from the Homing Centre to the closest disposal point, which is quite a distance away.  We are already finding that donations of various kinds are being left outside the door, and in many cases these are items we can't use  so everything then has to be carried a long way to be dropped in the garbage.  Many donors thoughtfully message first to ask if we can use the items they want to give to us, and then we can say yes or no.  For example, we never use dog diapers or cages, and we can't accept open bags of dog food, human clothing or any dirty beds, bowls, toys etc.   Any of these items will be thrown away, so please try to find another organisation who can make use of them. 

When the new Kennedy Town office space opens, we will ask for all donations in kind to be dropped there, but in the meantime please take everything (except those items we can't use) to the still-operational Red Dog Centre at 21 Ap Lei Chau Main Street.  Thank you. 

Sunday's Whiskers N Paws Puppy Party will take place as usual, hopefully on the terrace outside, but if it's raining then we'll be indoors.  Please remember to complete the questionnaire before coming to meet the puppies: 

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