Friday 14 May 2021

Fri 14th May: An emotional rollercoaster

Sweet boy Cider came to us with one eye

 It's an emotional rollercoaster these days, with so many sick puppies and not knowing what the day will bring in terms of those whose lives end far too early.  Today we said goodbye to Tickle who was already unlucky in that at least one eye, possibly both, was blind, and we know from our sweet dog Cider that one-eyed puppies aren't easy to home.  Cider is now at Tai Po and still waiting to be chosen. 

I also said goodbye to my Lamma dog Haggis, and spent the day at home with him suspecting it would be his last.  Although after so many years and so many dogs there's an acceptance of the inevitability of death, and for Haggis there was more a sense of relief for him that his struggle was over, as far as the puppies are concerned it's always very hard. We all feel immense sadness and a sense of the unfairness of life when they fall victim to terrible diseases like distemper. 

All healthy and ready for new homes

This period will pass, just like all other outbreaks have, and thankfully there's a plentiful supply of healthy puppies at our Tai Po Homing Centre, and they'll be at Whiskers N Paws on Sunday for the puppy party/adoption event.  If you're thinking of coming along please complete the adoption questionnaire in advance:

Amber needs a haircut

Recently-arrived poodle Amber was adopted today, and we're waiting for a photo of her post-haircut to see what a difference it makes.  Poodles are popular because of their special wool coat, but it does require regular grooming and cutting or it can easily become matted and a total mess, as we've seen in many previous cases. 

It's been an exceptionally hot and dry year so far, and I'd love a big rainfall to water the plants and fill the water holes my dogs love to splash in during the daily hikes.  Please remember the heat when you take your dogs out, whether walking them on hot roads or hiking in the hills, and never ever leave them in a car, even for a short time.  Every year dogs die from heatstroke and it happens very quickly.  Don't be that person who has to feel the guilt of seeing your dog suffer because of one mistake.

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