Sunday 27 December 2020

Sun 27th Dec: A deceptively warm Sunday

 It was hard to imagine that cold weather is on its way judging by the beautiful warm sunshine and bright blue skies today, but you know how things can quickly change so please don't think that we no longer need "Frostie Fosters" for the older or thin-coated Tai Po dogs. Thanks to everyone who has already offered to give a dog a warm temporary home for the duration of the cold spell, and for those still contemplating please email Cindy at for details. 

We've had some lucky dogs leaving Tai Po for longer than just the cold weather, and hopefully forever assuming things work out.  As always I don't want to give names just in case, but of course I want to be optimistic. 

Not all adoptions work out, and sometimes it's not anyone's fault it's just the wrong environment or situation for that particular dog.  I just heard that Eagle (left) will be coming back, and we know that he was very happy in his previous home and was only returned due to the adopter's allergies, but for some reason he's anxious in his new home.  If a dog isn't happy then neither are we, so taking him or her back is the obvious thing to do and the best all round. We'd talked about sending Eagle to Tai Po just before he was adopted for the second time, and that's what we'll probably do now. 

We had a lot of visitors to both Homing Centres today, but surprisingly only one adoption at Ap Lei Chau and that was a foster puppy-turned-forever-dog.  Linus had been taken with his sister when they were very young and after some back-and-forth he was also adopted today.  Brother Lotto (right) is the last of that particular litter still available. 

The last week of the year 2020 starts today, and it would be great to end with a bang (of adoptions).  Please complete the questionnaire as a first step if you would like to be one of those giving a dog or puppy a home for life:

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