Saturday 19 December 2020

Sat 19th Dec: Finally the dam burst

 The dam burst today, and by that I mean those adopters who have been visiting and thinking and trying to decide on which puppy to adopt made their decisions.  It was helped by the arrival of the five small puppies yesterday, and three have already been adopted, Eski, Snowy and Icy (I think you'll see the theme here).  

Older puppy Freya was also chosen (yay!) as was little Serena, new boy Matty, and Fern, who was spotted at Whiskers N Paws.  

I'm pretty sure that the remaining two new puppies will be adopted on Sunday, or at least in the coming few days, but we still have lots of other gorgeous youngsters available. Check out Eagle's photos of puppies and today's lucky hiking dogs:

Just as the day was coming to an end and I thought that was it until tomorrow, I received a message from Catherine's Puppies that two more babies were on their way.  I started frantically messaging everyone I could think of so we could get the pups to Ap Lei Chau, and in the end it was Eva who responded by sending a taxi to pick them up, even though it was Eva's day off. The puppies got to the Homing Centre just as the staff were closing for the night, so they joined the last pair from the previous five.

I'm getting so many emails asking about volunteering because the website ( says we're not accepting any new applications until social distancing rules are relaxed (or words to that effect).  There's nothing more I can say to those who email directly other than to repeat that we can't accept new volunteers, all of whom have to attend orientation sessions, while the rules restrict group gatherings.  Please check the website for updates when the government relaxes the rules, because we do need and want volunteers. 

The same applies to the under-18's who ask if we can make an exception to the age requirement, because if an exception is made for one then it has to be made for everyone.  I know that many younger teenagers are very keen and would make great volunteers, but lessons learned from the past when we allowed under-18s to walk the dogs mean that we have to stick to the minimum age requirement. 

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