Monday 23 November 2020

Mon 23rd Nov: A good time to be looking


It could be your lucky day if you're looking for a smaller dog to adopt, although we don't have any of the little white fluffy types, just mixed breeds who happen to be much smaller than usual (and three of them sharing the same exaggerated underbite, like Rubble shown).  The new arrivals, five of them, will be heading out on Tuesday for their standard vet check at Concordia Pet Care so won't be at the Homing Centre to meet, but those that came to us prior to the recent batch are already fit and ready to go.

Poor little poodle Paddy had his vet visit today including a heart scan revealing he has a pretty bad heart murmur.  His teeth are rotten and falling out, with the inevitable gum disease, and he's cryptochid (only one descended testicle) so castration is necessary even if there's a surgery risk given his bad heart.  Retained testicles often become cancerous.  It would be funny if it wasn't so wrong when the now ex-owner said he must be healthy "because he'd never needed to see a vet". Hmmm.

Please don't forget the many wonderful dogs that are waiting at our Tai Po Homing Centre hoping to be the lucky ones that are noticed and chosen.  Thanks to  I see reminders all the time of those who were once little puppies, and who have grown up with us. It's never too late to be adopted, as many seniors have shown over the years. 

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