Friday, 20 December 2019

Fri 20th Dec: The making of a nativity scene

As happened on Thursday, the appointment I had for today was postponed so I suddenly had a free afternoon, or at least free-ish.  Next week our van driver Ming is taking a holiday so I'll be making vital trips only, which means going to AFCD if there are emergency Christmas rescues needing help,  although I'll still be manning my computer and watching out for adoption enquiries.  Acorn will also be closed on both Christmas and Boxing Days so my fingers are crossed that all dogs and puppies will stay healthy over that period.  Our two Homing Centres are open for business as usual so please do remember the staff that will be working and lend a hand if you're free (and a registered volunteer).

Midge will be at Concordia while Renee will stay at Ap Lei Chau
On Saturday afternoon we'll be packing up some puppies and a few small adults to send over to Concordia Pet Care in Happy Valley from 1pm to 4pm, so you can head over there to meet Midge, Romeo, Alice and Russo as well as a good selection of youngsters.  The puppies are available for fostering although it should be noted that they will need to be back at Whiskers N Paws for Sunday's puppy party, from 2pm to 5pm.  We do have the new baby pups who also need foster homes and they're still too young to go to adoption events if that sounds better.  Two of them left the Homing Centre today so three are still there.
Alice is young and very sweet

There was fun in the upstairs office at Ap Lei Chau during the afternoon when the team were trying to arrange a nativity photoshoot based on one that's been going round for the past few years.  I'd suggested we make our own version using the office dogs, a baby Jesus puppy and various props that we had lying around, but while it was easy enough to get the individual dogs to cooperate, it seemed that getting a group of them together was a big challenge.  In the end thanks to some photoshop manipulation the desired result was achieved, and I love it!

Here's the work in progress and the final version will be posted soon......
Our office dogs and one of the new puppies :-)

1 comment:

  1. Super cute! I hope it goes viral for you! Either way, the photo is a delight! Merry Christmas Sappy, Cactus, and all the volunteers who give their undivided time to help all the dogs! many blessings triple fold to each and every one of you. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX <3 <3 <3 ,3 <3 <3 ,3
