Wednesday 21 June 2017

Weds 21st June: Dogs love company

I was very happy and relieved to be able to send two puppies off for fostering today as I have a whole new batch of babies arriving on Thursday, and space is tight to say the least.  The two that left today are a bit older and bigger and it's never a good idea to mix puppies of different ages as the younger ones inevitably get beaten up, no matter how sweet-natured they all are.

Fluffy Benji
Fluffy Benji (five months) and Emma were the two lucky pups that went off to their temporary homes today, and Emma has already been having great fun with the resident ex-HKDR young dog (who was Lemsip when a puppy).  Her brothers Milo and Artie have an adoption interview on Friday, so I really hope one of them is chosen.
Emma on her first walking lesson

Being naturally social animals all dogs love company, and ideally in every family there would be two dogs as well as the humans.  Sometimes the need for companionship is so strong that a dog can't tolerate being alone for even a short time and develops separation anxiety, which can be extreme in some cases.  I suppose it's like having a panic attack, and the dogs will cry, pant, pace and destroy anything they can.  Training can help in many cases but it's a long and time-consuming process, so getting a second dog can be a quick-fix solution.
Sweet Bertram
Jerry was Bertram's close friend in their foster home

Stanley Barracks Bertram is a doglet who craves love and attention, and maybe it's because all of these dogs were born and lived with multiple dogs before ending up at AFCD, and subsequently HKDR. From the moment I brought him home Bertram has been incredibly affectionate, and he was lucky to be fostered after just a few days along with another Lamma puppy, Jerry.  The two puppies played non-stop, as well as enjoying the company and attention of their foster family, so it was a wrench when they had to be returned.  Jerry is now back on Lamma while Bertram moved to a new temporary home where he has attached himself to the resident golden retriever.   Initially Bertram had a lovely permanent home promised at the end of the summer, and it was agreed that he could stay in his foster home until then.  However now we know that Bertram absolutely needs to be with another dog, and as his potential adopter only wants one then we have to find another family for him.
Bertram MUST have a dog friend in his new home

Bertram is six months old and a very handsome boy.  He would be great with children, but more than anything he wants and needs lots of love and attention, and another dog friend.  Can you offer him a home like this? Please contact Cindy at if you are interested.

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