Saturday 28 October 2017

Sat 28th Oct: A special Halloween Sunday coming at Whiskers N Paws

Kiera is adopted!
Good and bad news for potential puppy adopters, baby Kiera was adopted today so she's no longer available although her equally gorgeous sister Kimmy is.   Kiera even has a recently-adopted friend to play with in Budgie so this was an especially sweet homecoming.
Kimmy will be at Whiskers N Paws

Another puppy, or rather doglet, that won't be back to the Sunday puppy afternoons is Tickle, as she was adopted by her foster family.   Tickle really, and very happily, surprised me with the way she grew from very shy puppy to timid doglet, and is now progressing really fast to becoming a loving and fairly confident young adult.  It wonderful to work with adopters and fosters when they listen to sound advice from Cactus and watch everything fall into place.
Tickle is adopted

Doglet Jet was taken for fostering last Sunday with his best friend Paris, and I can't wait to see how he has improved over the past week.
Paris is doing well as expected, Jet will take time

Kimmy will be at Whiskers N Paws on Sunday of course, and it's going to be a special day with lot of Halloween fun and goodies so come along and join the fun. Whiskers N Paws added 5 new photos.
Stop in for a spell!👻
29th Oct | 2-5pm

Another Ap Lei Chau resident left today too, older (but still very cute and lovely) Bertie, and we wish both old and young a very happy and long life.

The bichon puppy with the broken leg, Blizzard, was also adopted from his foster home today, and I'm sure he'll be up and running very soon.
Blizzard was abandoned because of a broken leg

Bertie was also adopted today

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