Tuesday 9 February 2021

Tues 9th Feb: CNY weather and puppy fosters needed

 It's supposed to rain at Chinese New Year, but after so long without a drop it's still a bit of a shock. I don't know about city dwellers but the night was dramatic to say the least, just like a typhoon over where I live and I couldn't help thinking about the puppies we'd been asked to take in, some of which were still on the hillside at last contact.    The number already rescued is ten, with at least five still out there (unless already found by now) so we will need foster homes urgently.  We're already full of poodles and existing puppies, so please help if you can by emailing Cindy at foster@hongkongdogrescue.com.  

We still have some poodles that need foster homes, and especially with the Lunar New Year coming up we'd be especially grateful for some temporary homes.  Of course the Homing Centres are open throughout, just as we open every other day of the year without exception, but the poodles need patching up before they can be ready for adoption (unless you don't mind taking them now). 


I was reminded of something that happened a long time ago, just after we'd moved from Pokfulam to Tai Po. I got a call one hot Sunday afternoon while I was at Whiskers N Paws to say that a breeder was getting rid of a lot of bulldogs and could we take them?  We really didn't have anywhere to put so many at one time but of course I said yes, and they duly arrived at the Homing Centre.  However they'd been crammed into the back of a van with no air conditioning and some were  already dead, so it was a horrible experience for both the dogs and the volunteers there at the time.  The ten (I think) dogs that survived were all in bad condition and had clearly had many litters, and in fact one came with her pup. The bulldogs were given fruit names, and I received this email today: 

"I am emailing on behalf of my mother. She adopted Papaya and her baby from the horrible botched bulldog breeder rescue that Hong Kong dog rescue literally came to the rescue on. Today papaya passed away after 10 1/2 years with our family. She was such a lovely bully and we are so sad but yet so thankful and grateful for our memories we have with her. We are blessed that she found us!"

Many such pieces of meat have been found

As an update on the terrible poisoning cases, a group of concerned dog owners got together to make up search parties looking for suspicious-looking bait in the Cyberport park area, and terrifyingly they have found many.  Some have been given to the police for testing, as the poison being used hasn't yet been identified, but they will also try to find other laboratories that might be able to help.  If you know of any please contact me so I can pass the information on.  Please continue to be on top alert and keep your dogs on leash and/or muzzled. 

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