Thursday 6 August 2020

Thurs 6th Aug: Struggling with the new blog format

I was struggling to write my blog yesterday as the whole blogging format had been changed to the extent that it was almost impossible for me to find where and how I could post a new entry, and in the end it was Ka Yan in the office who discovered the magic trick. I still couldn't figure out how to include photos so hope to crack that little mystery today.  I'm still left wondering why everything needed to be made so difficult so apologies for the messy layout. 

We'd wanted to get the new arrivals from Wednesday to the vet and AFCD today, but that won't happen until Friday now.  In the meantime and as expected, the scruffy puppy that everyone wanted was adopted and taken home, so that's one off the list.   We had a lot of potential adopters visiting and there should be more adoptions taking place once the dogs and puppies have had their vet checks and vaccinations sorted.

Rag is always next to me these days
Rag is always lying next to me now

Although I'd initially thought I'd be leaving my Lamma hideaway today to take the dogs to AFCD, in the end I was grateful that was postponed until Friday because once again I have a sick dog to take care of.  This time it's Rag, my beautiful big baby, who needs my attention, and taking full advantage of his condition he will now only eat if I feed him with a spoon and has started sleeping on my bed at night, which wouldn't be a problem if it didn't upset Griffin so much.   Griffin is the one who always sleeps next to me and "owns" the top space, but now Rag wants to take over and nights are spent trying to break up arguments between the two. 

A friend asked if I would be able to take Rag to see a vet and at first I said yes, he was a very easy dog.  Then I remembered that actually I had never been able to get a leash on him, but it wasn't an issue as he just tagged along on the walks without any problem.  That also reminded me that Rag is the sort of dog that jumps at seeing sticks that could be a snake, and barks in his very deep voice at every sound that might indicate danger.  In other words he's scared of his own shadow, so the vet visit wouldn't be easy at all.  As much as my Lamma dogs enjoy the kind of freedom that most others would envy, at times like this I wish we weren't so isolated and the dogs so unused to "normal" life.  

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