Saturday 22 August 2020

Sat 22nd Aug: You are never alone with an HKDR dog

 When anyone adopts from HKDR they are given all of the information about what to expect when the dog arrives home and the time it normally takes for an adult to settle and adjust, or if it's a puppy the relevant feeding and care guidelines.  We also give the adopter a folder containing the vaccination record and information leaflets on various subjects, and most recently our own adoption booklet which contains everything you need to know. 

  Additionally, before leaving the Homing Centre with the dog or puppy our staff will explain verbally what has or needs to be done, if anything, and finally we have our own very experienced in-house trainer who will follow up offering help and support as and when needed, so every adopter knows they are never alone with an HKDR dog.  

We know adopting a dog or puppy can be exciting but also a bit scary, especially if you've never had a dog before, and that a lot of what's said is quickly forgotten. That's why we put it all in writing too, so everything is there as a reminder.   All we ask is that adopters read the information, especially the bit about having access to our trainer if needed, rather than asking friends, neighbours or other misinformed friends for advice.   In the end we would rather take the dog or puppy back early rather than later when problems have been left and allowed to get out of hand. 

As expected we had a lot of visitors at our Ap Lei Chau Homing Centre, many looking for small-sized dogs or puppies which unfortunately we don't currently have.  We do have young puppies but we can't know how big they will grow to be, and nor can we say when we will be getting more small dogs in.  As always it's sudden when it happens, the result of an email or message to say there are dogs or puppies available and ready to be collected.  

The puppies currently at the Homing Centre are shown here (left) while we have quite a few still in foster homes like the five sharpei-cross boys, too young to be adopted as singletons.  Please keep reading my blog for daily updates if you waiting for new of new puppies or small adults, as you'll see it here first.

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