Monday 17 August 2020

Mon 17th Aug: HKDR dogs are all over the world

 Following on from Sunday's incredible adoption-fest, as hoped the brother-and-sister couple of Ticket and Fidget finally found their forever home together.  It took some time because we didn't want to separate them, but at last their big day arrived.

Also staying home, rather than going, we got very happy news from the foster parent of Hailey that she's now adopted.  Hailey's story was a very sad one that many of you might remember, as she was originally adopted along with another dog Otis, and they were later left tied up outside SPCA Wanchai by their then-owner.  It was such an incredibly cruel and heartless thing to do and it almost cost Otis his life as he bit someone in his sheer panic as the dogs were being untied from the railing, and it took a lot of negotiation to prevent him from being put to sleep as a result.  Both dogs then came to our Ap Lei Chau Homing Centre where they were very easy to take care of, and they subsequently found separate foster homes.

Sadly Otis turned out to have a serious heart problem so he's on medication for that, but he's happy with his foster parent who takes good care of him. 

Coincidentally I got two adoption updates today about two brothers, one was called Brian (now Kobe) and the other was Deacon (now Oscar).  The third brother was Freddie, so any fans of the rock band Queen might recognise the theme there.   Oscar's update was sent from his new home in California, while Kobe is still in Hong Kong (with his favourite teddy).

Another very happy update came from Spencer's adopters who are now living in Scotland, where Spencer is having the best time with so much space to run and play. 

You can see the full updates and sets of photos on our Facebook page

It's such a great feeling to know that our dogs are living all over the world, spreading the news about adoption and HKDR.  

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