Friday 28 August 2020

Fri 28th Aug: Waiting to meet you every single day

 Another month has sped by, and although early August saw a mad rush of adoptions this past week has been frustrating in that aspect, as well as so much else.  However we have three days left until September and since that includes the weekend I hope I'll have more going-home stories to write about.  There are still a lot of enquiries about various Tai Po dogs, but it's puppies only at Ap Lei Chau other than Igloo and new poodle girl Yoyo.  

Igloo's a funny girl because she is basically very sweet but she suffers from separation anxiety and barks when left alone.  She also barks at certain people, myself included, which isn't so much aggression as demanding attention, and just like Romeo (who continues to do very well) I know there's the right home for Igloo out there.

We have a good selection of very sweet puppies at Ap Lei Chau, with the "Water Babies" litter and the sharpei-cross litter still in foster homes.  They should all be returning to the Homing Centre before too long so there's always going to be puppies available. 

Although we don't post the puppies on our website you can see all of the other dogs available at

The adoption questionnaire is also on our website at

We're open every single day at Ap Lei Chau and Tai Po Homing Centres from 10am to 6pm, no exceptions!

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