Monday 13 April 2020

Mon 13th April: A day of challenges

I won't lie, it was a challenging day today, not physically but I suspect that the current coronavirus situation is affecting people emotionally more than they might realise.   I also think the enormous number of enquiries about adoption can be attributed to the boredom factor as there's really no other way I can explain the explosion of interest, and it's not only me and HKDR as all of the rescue groups are reporting the same.   I'm spending whole days replying to adoption or fostering enquiries, and while that's a very good thing in one way most of them are really not suitable homes, or we don't have what they're looking for (small sized and young).   All in all it's frustrating when there are still many good homes asking about adoption but our dogs and puppies are too big or just not what's wanted.

We're also seeing a much higher incidence of no-shows, something that's always hugely disappointing for the staff of any rescue group when you allow yourself to get excited about a potential adoption.  Please don't do this, or at least if you change your mind or your plans just let us know.

Otis is long-bodied with short legs and more of a couch potato than athlete
Otis is one of the dogs that has almost gone to a home countless times, but at the last minute he's been let down.  He's such an easy dog, undemanding and more in need of love and comfort than lots of exercise.  He's what I call a big-little dog, meaning he's got a long body on short legs, and is about the same shape and size as a basset hound.

One of the dogs a lot of people are asking about is shiba inu Gumbo, thanks to the lovely video our trainer Cactus shared recently  Gumbo's come such a long way since he's been with us, but he's still not suitable for a home with children or inexperienced dog owners so most of the enquiries about him have to be immediately put to one side.   I know there's exactly the right home for this lovely boy, we just haven't found it yet.

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