Wednesday 5 February 2020

Weds 5th Feb: Registered Volunteers are needed

Ashley was instantly at home 
More happy news from Ap Lei Chau as sharpei-cross puppy Ashley's adoption was very quickly confirmed when he and the resident dog Harley instantly hit it off.  Puppies will automatically follow an adult dog and want to be close to them, so it's the grown-up who usually decides if they're going to get along.  Some dogs love puppies, others not at all, and this time it was best friends on sight.

"Amazingly he is already completely puppy pad trained, not an accident yet. Smart dog!"

It helps that our puppies are already toilet trained, barring accidents which are bound to happen occasionally, and that's because we allow them the space and opportunity to use a designated toilet area from the start.   It's instinctive behaviour for even a very young baby pup to keep the living, eating and sleeping area clean and separate from the toilet spot, and problems only arise when they are caged or crated, or kept in small pens where they have no choice but to dirty their "nest".  It's the reason why we ask adopters not to shut puppies up in cages/crates even though it's what a lot of people (in certain countries) do.  I'll never understand the concept of 'crate training' when the behaviour is already inborn.

The Zodiac litter
I mentioned the new "Zodiac" litter yesterday and here you can see them happily playing (with the newspaper in the corner).  Puppies are very accepting of each other regardless of size, shape, colour or type, and the six newcomers were instantly best friends with the remaining two sharpei-cross pups, Willow and Rose.
Six plus two, instant best friends

Mikki is a really wonderful companion dog
Another adoption today made me especially happy, as Mikki had needed to have one of her eyes removed shortly after coming to us.  Although it had been feared there was a tumour behind the eyeball, the strange shape and redness was probably the result of a previous injury and the eye was blind anyway.  It's always hard to home a dog with an eye missing, but Mikki's adopters were looking for a gentle and easy-natured companion, and I recommended Mikki as being exactly that.

There's going to be more happy adoption news in the coming days so please keep checking back in, and remember we're open every single day whatever's going on.  The dogs and puppies need looking after, feeding, cleaning and walking, and nothing changes that.  If you're a registered volunteer and have time to spare please come along to help out, especially at Tai Po where the staff are really struggling with the day-to-day work that needs doing.

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