Monday 3 February 2020

Mon 3rd Feb: Ways to support

You can "adopt" Rag via the Life Saver Club 
We were finally able to pick up two puppies and an adult dog from AFCD Sheung Shui today, after the Chinese New Year holiday had meant them having to stay for much longer than we would have liked.   We had wanted to take them before the break but all animals have to do the required four days before they can be released for re-homing, a rule which might make sense in some cases but is often not only frustrating but unfair to the dogs and puppies.  In this case, of the three we got today two were sick, the younger puppy having tick fever and the adult heartworm (as always with New Territories dogs).  With tick fever early treatment is obviously desirable, even in some cases meaning the difference between life or death, and the puppy was sick enough to have the spend the night in hospital so he could have another blood test in the morning.  I called the puppy Bailey, and he's a lovely boy, very pretty, and luckily for him not a baby so his three months of age will have helped him in terms of survival.

The older puppy and adult were sent straight to Tai Po, and hopefully the puppy will quickly find a home from there, just like Walter did (he was in the same batch as the new puppy, but had done his four days so was able to get out of AFCD before the Lunar New Year).

The treatments for tick fever and heartworm are long, tedious and expensive, and as so many dogs and puppies come to us with one or the other our vet bills are high every month.  However what's more frustrating is that we can't really home these dogs until their health problems have been resolved, and that's harder to accept than even the financial burden.   If you would like to support in terms of covering costs for the dogs and their vet treatments, or even just their ongoing care bearing in mind many stay with us for a long time, there are several options to consider

This is Bridge, also available to "adopt" 
The Life Saver Club is a monthly sponsorship programme which allows you to "adopt" a dog and follow his or her progress.  This dog will be uniquely yours, and you'll receive a certificate with the dog's details and photo, and for the higher level of sponsorship there are other benefits too.  Find out more here

 Our Life Saver Club volunteer, Ellen, has just asked me to take new photos of the Lamma dogs that are being sponsored, so I've been busy trying to get photos and video of Grey and Buffy, with additional shots and video of other dogs still waiting to be "adopted" like Rag and Bridge, both very sweet boys.  Maybe they can be yours.

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