Sunday 8 April 2018

Sun 8th April: A happy not-birthday and a busy week ahead

Thanks to my HKDR friends for coming along today
It wasn't my actual birthday today but Whiskers N Paws are always kind enough to celebrate the extra year on the closest Sunday, and although their gift of thousands (yes really) of dog chews hadn't yet arrived, I didn't leave empty handed as some long-term volunteers-also-friends surprised me with goodies.  So thank you to all, I'm always touched and grateful for such kindness.

Even though Alice stayed at home we got Gina to hold the adoption board
Two of my "gifters" (if there is such a word), Gina and Jude, also surprised me with the present of a forever home for old timer Alice, a shih tzu they have been fostering for some time now.

Dennis Cheng was the volunteer photographer today and he did a great job, especially as there were a lot of guests milling around and children cuddling the puppies.   Puppy Adoption Day 8 April 2018 There weren't any adoptions other than Alice's, but puppy Lyra who came back from her foster home was taken for a trial adoption by another family so at least we didn't leave with more than we started with.

Emu left with her new family today

Although most of the older puppies were sent over from Tai Po where they are now living until they are adopted, puppy Emu was missing as she had a prior appointment with her now-family.

There was also amazing adoption news from Elena Mathew, one of our regular volunteer photographers and adopter of husky Lyra.  Elena and her husband have been fostering a golden retriever for some time, one who arrived as a completely traumatised wreck.  Chloe had mentally shut down, having previously been kept shut in a small bathroom twenty fours hours a day, so she had no experience of anything at all.  For the first few months she just hid behind the toilet, and every step was a baby step forwards. 
Chloe wouldn't move from here for months

Elena has been incredible in her patience and understanding, not forcing Chloe at all and accepting that it was going to take a long time, which it certainly has.  Although Chloe still has a long way to go in terms of being a normal happy dog, she is now part of the family, good friends with Lyra, and the best thing of all, she will be moving with the family when they leave Hong Kong shortly.   I wish all of our mentally scarred dogs could be lucky enough to find homes like this, where they can learn to trust and start their lives again.
Lyra has also played her part in helping Chloe

We've got a big week coming up with the start of the migration from Main Street to our new Ap Lei Chau Centre.  We're only going to be round the corner but the office still needed to be sorted, packed up and everything transported to the new place, while the Homing Centre side has to wait until the dog enclosures and other facilities have been put in place.  The Ap Lei Chau team have been incredible with their efficient handling of everything, and I'm really lucky to have such an amazing team of dedicated people.

With the holidays now finally over, I'm also anticipating a return to normal in terms of incoming and outgoing dogs.  There will be new dogs arriving on Monday, two poodles, a pom, a husky and one puppy, with more puppies coming later this week.  We're also expecting another ex-breeder poodle, shih tzu and Sheltie. By next Sunday's Whiskers N Paws we'll be back to a full contingent of babies, so if you're interested it would be very helpful to have your completed questionnaire in advance.  You can find it on our website (under Adopt).

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