Saturday 21 April 2018

Sat 21st April: A mixed bag of news

There were two events today, one being the Puppy Adoption one at Heal in Second Street, Sai Ying Pun, and thanks to Venus Leung for the lovely photos Puppy Adoption Day 21 April 2018

Pebble's fat ear will be sorted for Sunday's puppy party
You may notice that little Pebble's ear looks swollen, and this is called an aural haematoma and it's caused when a blood vessel within the ear flap bursts and the blood becomes trapped.  Luckily with puppies it's easy to deal with and usually doesn't recur, while with adults the ear often keeps refilling and surgery is needed.  Even then the dogs can end up with a crumpled ear, which doesn't look pretty but it's only superficial.

Ear hematomas, also known as auricular hematomas or aural hematomas, occur when blood accumulates in the flap (or pinna) of the ear.

HKDR were back at this year's Inter-School Equestrian Challange
The other one was way out in Lo Wu at the Saddle Club where the annual Inter-Schools Equestrian Challenge took place.  As always we were kindly invited to have a stall there, and again thank you to our trusty volunteers for being there throughout the day to help promote HKDR and sell our merchandise.
Shelly was adopted today

There was more happy news from our Ap Lei Chau Homing Centre as Sheltie Shelly was adopted, and also little bichon frise Diamond had her adoption confirmed after a short trial.  In return we accepted a senior poodle (eleven years) and a peke the same age will also be coming soon.  On Sunday we are expecting a lovely pom too, so as fast as dogs leave there are others to take their places.
This pom is due to come on Sunday
Poodle 11 years old came today

We have also just taken in a one year-old border collie, a gold variety that I honestly didn't know were for real having only known the black-and-white traditional colouring.
Gold border collie

We already have someone interested in the border collie, but for now nothing immediate for Molly and Oscar except a place in a home boarding facility and a sponsor to cover the cost for ten days.  At least the dogs will enjoy the countryside, which will help get them through the trauma of losing their family, and of course they have each other which makes a huge difference.  However we are desperately in need of a home in Hong Kong, failing which we will have to send Molly and Oscar overseas, something we prefer not to have to do.
Molly and Oscar leave their home on Sunday

1 comment:

  1. Oh those poor darlings, with those sweet happy faces. <3 XXX
