Tuesday 2 May 2023

Tues 2nd May: And still more on the way


Scruffy terrier 

Before anything else, I just need to mention that there are apparently still more small dogs coming to us, and we will need foster homes that they can stay in before finding forever homes.  From the photos I've received it looks like (adult) poodles again, a white pom, a scruffy terrier and some very cute small mixes.  

For fostering please complete the questionnaire at www.hongkongdogrescue.com/volunteer/fostering/
and for adoptions it's www.hongkongdogrescue.com/adopt/adoption-questionnaire/

Little mix

Frenchie Giselle

The French bulldog, Giselle,  arrived today from AFCD, as well as an older mongrel who will stay at our Tai Po Homing Centre.  Her name is now Gracie, and as always I really hope her stay with us won't be for the rest of her life.  So many dogs that are now at Tai Po began life as a family pet before being discarded, and it's incredibly sad as well as being frustrating.  

New dog Gracie

 The message that 'a dog is for life' is still one that we have to keep pushing, because every life matters.  If you can't promise that you will look after a puppy through until the end of its life, then please don't bring one into your home.  Dogs are loyal and intelligent animals with feelings and emotions that include fear and loneliness, and treating them as "things" is just horrible.   

Remember, if you adopt a puppy you are bringing the equivalent of a baby into your life, and how they develop is up to you.  Even if every human or animal is born with a personality, that individual can be moulded into a social and happy adult, or one who has behaviour issues.  These formative months of every dog's life are absolutely vital to their future, and if that sounds like too much of a responsibility, then please consider adopting an adult whose character is already formed.  

The huskies that we recently took from AFCD are two from a cruelty case, and it seems that huskies are frequently a breed involved in such cases.  I don't know why, but I assume it involves rooftops and unchecked breeding. 

I love Nacho, he's such a character

There is happily good news, and I'm especially pleased about some older dogs adoptions including senior shiba inu Tomo, and poodle Nacho (I mentioned his adoption before but I love the photo of him sitting at the table).  There's bichon Lola too, of course, all dogs that are ten years-plus. 

Lovely Rosie is staying for good

Also confirmed after a very short trial is doglet Rosie's formal adoption, as she and the resident dog are getting along wonderfully.

Regardless of age, breed or size, all of the dogs that come to us involve paying out money for vet checks, vaccinations, and in many cases expensive surgeries.  The past few years have been incredibly challenging to say the least as far as finances are concerned, so we're especially grateful to the Fu Tak Iam Foundation Limited for supporting HKDR's work and their sponsorship of the  "Save Abandoned Dogs by Rescue, Rehab, Rehome and Education" programme.

With their generosity, we will be able to continue providing essential medical treatment for the dogs in our care, as well as carrying out educational programs that promote responsible pet ownership and raise awareness about animal welfare issues in Hong Kong.

We believe that every life is worth saving and education is key to creating a more compassionate and caring society, and we are grateful for the Fu Tak Iam Foundation Limited's support in helping us spread this message far and wide.

Thank you, Fu Tak Iam Foundation Limited!

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