Tuesday 5 July 2022

Tues 5th July: New arrivals

 We took in another group of small and medium-sized dogs at Kennedy Town today, and while I'm waiting for their "H" names to be allocated I can share a photo of them all together.  They're mostly young adults except for the poodle who appears to be a bit older, and there is also one puppy (Harry) who already has a potential home to go to.   I'm sure that there will be a lot of enquiries about these new arrivals, but we need to get them health checked and vaccinated, as well as licensed as needed.  

I do need to mention that as with all new dogs coming in from any situation other than a known home environment, we can never be sure that they're not incubating an infectious disease, especially if they're puppies.  Unfortunately a previous litter who came to us at the end of June developed serious upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) which turned into pneumonia very quickly.  Many of them needed to be hospitalised for 24-hour care, and thankfully they're recovering in the different vet clinics that could take them in.  Tia, as shown in this video, is staying at East Island Animal Hospital where the staff have fallen in love with her, not surprisingly as she's absolutely gorgeous, and a very sweet girl just like the rest of her litter. 

Also currently still in hospital at Concordia Pet Care following her leg surgery, Ilona is thankfully also doing well, so we'll be keeping our fingers tightly crossed that she won't need to have the leg amputated. We have a foster home for her to go to for her recovery, which makes a huge difference to all dogs that need special care and a safe place to stay (meaning not having other dogs and puppies jumping all over them). 

I've mentioned the endless stream of surrender requests we're getting at the moment, and every case is heartbreaking.  I feel so incredibly sorry for the dogs that are losing their homes and families, most of whom are already older and will feel scared and totally confused, just like Penny shown here when she was brought to us today.  PLEASE make surrendering to any  rescue organisation an absolute last resort, not the first option that springs to mind.  As a dog owner you are your dog's whole world, and they would do anything rather than abandon you.  If you can't promise that you will take your dog with you as part of your family when you move home or leave Hong Kong, please don't adopt.  It's as simple as that. 

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