Sunday 17 July 2022

Sun 17th July: A long and hot day

 Anticipating the slow Sunday it turned out to be, the number of puppies at Whiskers N Paws was kept to a minimum for the Puppy Adoption Day 17th July 2022.  Drake, brother Drummond, and friend Esme are staying full time at the Horizon Plaza store anyway, so foster puppy Ottilie and new boy Jeremy were the only additions for the small party.  Thanks to photographer Benjamin Po for donating his time and skills despite the heat, and for producing wonderful shots of the puppies which I hope will help find them their forever homes before too long.   

There's so much luck involved when it comes to puppies being adopted, and a lot of that has to do with timing.  Summers are traditionally slow, and many of the now-senior dogs that ended up permanently with me on Lamma were puppies who got left behind because they were born at the wrong time of year.  Drake and Drummond are part of a litter who came to us as day-old babies, and sadly they landed right in the middle of the holiday season when they reached adoption age.  It's really very sad when lovely puppies miss out simply because of timing. 

Happily today wasn't entirely without any good news, as one older puppy who had to be sent to our Tai Po Homing Centre went home for a trial with the resident dog, and one of the new puppy group who arrived on Wednesday was chosen from his foster home.  Jacob was the lucky boy, and I rather suspected that he might be the first to go.  I'm waiting for updated photos of the other puppies from their respective foster parents, as the only ones I have are really not that helpful or appealing. 

Volunteers were also needed at our HKDR@Elgin location, where the smaller dogs are temporarily staying until we can move them to another, more suitable space, or even better, forever homes.  The dogs are getting bored with staying inside, and there were several attempted break-outs from the fenced area I was told.  These are young dogs with lots of energy, and they really need to be getting out for walks and running around, but Soho isn't a great place to do that unfortunately.   Jolene and Julius are probably siblings, and  being terrier types they should really living the kind of life that suits them. 

Sadly there was even an new addition to the group when older puppy Zippy was returned after a short time in his new home, so we really need a foster for this boy as there's currently nowhere suitable for him to stay. (I need to mention that in this case Zippy's return was understandable, so there's no blame attached to the family concerned). 

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