Sunday 24 July 2022

Sun 24th July: Happy adoptions-to-come

I love Ottilie's serious frown

 Before anything else I want to share the lovely (as always) photos of the Whiskers N Paws Puppy Party, taken by our long-term volunteer photographer Jimmy Tsang  Puppy Adoption Day 24th July 2022.  We kept the number of puppies low due to the heat and it was a quiet two hours as expected, however we know that this is almost always the case these days and that adoptions tend to follow on from initial Sunday meetings.

Luna has a full family now

The puppies who either came to Whiskers N Paws for the afternoon, or who are staying there as full time resident guests, are slightly older than the youngsters at our Kennedy Town Homing Centre.  Happily though, there were three older puppies whose dream of a home came true, one being Luna, whose permanent status was confirmed today.  Luna had started with us as a baby puppy, then moved to Tai Po as she outgrew her foster home, and now she is a fully-fledged family member.

Another adoption that we're all so excited about is a double one, that of sisters Demi and Dulcie whose story you may have been following on Instagram @why_i_foster.  Normally puppies from this foster home never reach the age that Demi and Dulcie have, but this being summer and a very slow time for everyone, the two girls have been enjoying their life at home and the beach, never knowing that they could be separated at any time.  As it happens this will now never happen, because they will be leaving together and going to a wonderful new home very soon.  In the meantime you can continue to see the daily posts and watch how much fun puppies can have when they have a best friend to share it with.

The pug boys are 8 months old 

This is why we really want to try to keep the two pug boys together, as their story is rather special and their bond really quite strong.   What could be better than watching these two little rascals finally having the freedom to run and play, and to have toys and everything else a puppy should have. 

There are three more adoptions to mention, but again they're taking place within the next day or so.  These are young adults Julius and Cassidy from HKDR@Elgin, and puppy James from his foster home.  Photos will obviously follow when they have been taken. 

As a reminder, we will be shutting up shop this week downstairs at 22 Elgin Street when the dogs move to our new office and headquarters at North Street, Kennedy Town, a five minute walk from our Kennedy Town Homing Centre.  We hope the volunteers who have been helping out with the dogs will continue to do so once we have made the move, and thank you to everyone for having made this rather crazy time even possible.   Once the dogs have moved out we can revert to our original plan of using HKDR@Elgin as a store selling merchandise, and a training centre for dogs and their unruly humans. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy to see that adorable LUNA finally has a family of her own. XXX
