Tuesday 12 July 2022

Tues 12th July: URGENT: Just when we thought we were in the clear .....

 Please note that we are continuing to have problems with our hongkongdogrescue.com email addresses, and will be using our Gmail accounts for now.  If you are getting messages bouncing back, that's the reason, so you can email me at sallyandersen.hkdr@gmail.com, Cindy at foster.hkdr@gmail.com, Cactus at edu.hkdr@gmail.com, and so on. 

Cora settling nicely

With two of the small dogs staying at our HKDR@Elgin location adopted today (Cora and Curtis), and more potential adopters coming to meet the remaining five, we thought we were in the clear, for the time being at least. However just now (Wednesday morning) I received a message about yet another group of smaller dogs and puppies heading our way, so once again we will urgently need foster homes for the puppies, adopters for the adults, and volunteers for the care and cleaning etc.  I should add that we aren't open at night for those who have to work during the day, but we're trying to arrange for our known and reliable volunteers to help over the weekend, when we would normally be closed.  Please check our Facebook page for updates on who, what and when regarding the new arrivals, and email Cindy at foster.hkdr@gmail.com if you can take in puppies temporarily. 

We also received two more lovely dogs from AFCD Shatin at Tai Po, now called Larissa and Nora, but again at the same time we were asked by AFCD Sheung Shui to accept even more.  It feels as though HKDR is the only NGO taking in such dogs, and the individual surrender requests also pouring in are completely overwhelming.  It does seem that everyone thinks we have endless space, unlimited staff and volunteers, plus the funds to take care of these dogs, and we're all feeling intense pressure right now.  The extreme heat makes everything even more challenging, especially at Tai Po where the dogs have to live outside and the location is on a steep hill, meaning hundreds of steps to climb up and down every day.   There is a limit to what we can be expected to achieve, and we're at that limit now. 

New girl Nora

Lovely Larissa

Unfortunately our Kennedy Town Homing Centre remains a No Entry Zone for any new arrivals, as we need to be sure that all of the respiratory infections in the puppies have been cleared before allowing anyone else to come and start up the cycle again.  Our other Kennedy Town location, which will be the new office space plus Red Dog Centre, also has a quarantine area for new or sick dogs, and that will be available very soon thankfully.  However for now we really need your help and support, in whichever form that takes, whether fostering, volunteering for cleaning, and even financial donations to help with the massive


vet bills we've been incurring recently. 

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