Tuesday 4 April 2023

Tues 3rd April: F..F..F..F...Fantastic!

I don't know which one is Fabian

 Fitz, and now Fabian, have been adopted, all in the course of just a few days, even if in reality Fabian was the first of the "F" litter to be taken on a foster basis.  He was picked up with lookalike puppy Milo when they were both very young, and while Milo was initially really quite ill and Fabian was incredibly shy, now both are like brothers, so much so that I actually can't tell which one is which from the photo just received, along with confirmation of Fabian's forever status. 

Ford is also happily settled with his family, with Frankie due to fly to Singapore next week, and that leaves just Felix and Finley from the "F" band of brothers who came to us as really scared young puppies. Finley is now staying at Whiskers N Paws, while Felix is the last one at our North Street, Kennedy Town Centre, and they really are both very lovely as well as sweet and happy doglets. 

Dusty couldn't put her leg down at first

Another "foster fail" is Dusty, the tiny and very skinny ex-breeder poodle who has already worked her way into the hearts of her foster family.  She has also  improved a lot in terms of health and mobility, as she can now extend her front legs and stand normally, something she was unable to do at first.  I shudder to imagine the conditions she was living in while at the breeder, and can only be so thankful that she escaped that life of suffering.  I'm pretty sure that the other ex-breeder poodle, Dougal, will also be successful in finding his new family very soon. 

The proof that the age given was correct

A case came up today which is worth mentioning, because it shows that in every situation there are exceptions.  We say that a female puppy usually comes into season (able to mate and conceive) at around six months of age, and this is why we ask that female puppies are desexed (spayed) at this age.  I received an email today asking if we may have given an incorrect age for a recently-adopted puppy girl who we had said was four months old, however she had apparently already come into season.  

When we take in young puppies it's often impossible to know exactly how old they are, but in this particular case I remembered that the litter had arrived at HKDR at the beginning of December as newborns, so we had to be accurate within a few days.  That means that this particular puppy girl could herself have become a mother at a very young age, which would have been terrible if it had actually happened.   If a female puppy does come into season early, it's best to wait a couple of months before spaying to allow the hormones to settle down again, but special care must be taken during the fertile period to ensure that no mating can take place.  While on heat, a female will attract males and she will also be just as eager to cooperate. 

I can't end this post without saying a massive thank you to everyone who responded to our plea for help, and have already made a donation.  Several people asked about using PayMe, so here's the link if you would also like to donate: Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)

PayMe from HSBC
PayMe from HSBC

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I'm glad some one asked about PayMe. It's so convenient!
