Saturday 22 April 2023

Sat 22nd April: A crazy kind of day

 Knowing that the new arrivals would be dropped off at ALCVC (the vet clinic in Ap Lei Chau) around midday, I asked long-term volunteer Catherine (in fact Catherine has been with us since the start of HKDR) to join me there to handle the inevitable chaos.  

The first thing that happens when the dogs are let out of their small travel crates is that they all pee and poo, and the first would-be adopters and fosters started coming in the middle of all of the racing round with pee pads and mops.  There were thirteen dogs in the end, with several whose photos I'd been sent that didn't appear, so I assume they will be coming some time in the future.

Rufus was first to leave

The first adoption was quite quick and easy because the dog was perfect, being a very young poodle-terrier, very sweet and really irresistible.  I had called him Rufus for the short time he was with us, but he'll probably have a new name by now.

The pom, pug and poodles also went very quickly, although none were particularly young, and certainly not puppies.  These are mostly fosters, not forever homes, although of course we hope that at least some will turn into adoptions.

This pair couldn't be separated

When I thought the day was over, a few more were adopted, including a beautiful pair of medium sized terrier-poodle-whatever types, who managed to squeeze themselves into a tiny crate, leading us to think that one had disappeared. 

Another rough-coated terrier was also chosen, one that I would loved to have taken for myself. 

The terrier boy still available

In the end we were only left with a young terrier-type brother and sister (very lovely), a long-haired (small-medium) mix, and a poor deaf and blind boy.   They stayed overnight at ALCVC and will be there if anyone wants to meet them on Sunday.  
This girl is also still available

The sister is smaller than her brother

Luckily this poor dog is partly deaf, not dead!

What did strike me during this very busy few hours was that if we had moved some of our already-resident dogs and puppies over to ALCVC I'm sure they would quickly have found homes.  There are so many that are younger than the poodles that were taken, and all of our adults and puppies have already been vaccinated and toilet trained,  while these newbies are blank slates in terms of their health and behaviour.   They all had a very quick check for age assessment, and were microchipped, but otherwise it was a case of you get what you see.   

You can meet so many super-sweet and friendly puppies at our North Street, Kennedy Town Centre every day from 10am to 6pm, or at Whiskers N Paws on Sundays 2pm to 4pm.  Check out our Hong Kong Dog Rescue Facebook or Instagram (@hkdr_official) pages for photos and videos which are updated every day.  Take a look at adorable little Odette venturing out for a walk with the volunteers, and she is just one of many such puppies waiting.

Ali is running to get a hug and cuddle

I do want to also mention Ali, the sweetest puppy ever, who we thought would be flying off to her new home in England very soon.  Sadly the cost of the flight was prohibitive, so Ali is now once again available.  

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