Sunday 9 April 2023

Sun 9th April: Goodbye Ruby, Susie

Tiny Susie is adopted

 Gosh, there are so many absolutely lovely puppies, and I'd find it impossible to choose just one. I'd be walking out with armfuls if I was looking to adopt, so I can understand why others also have to go home and think about it after meeting the hopefuls on Sundays, or any day at our Homing Centres in Kennedy Town.  
I'd been wondering how the Tiny Tots looked now

There's all sizes, shapes and colours, from the "Tiny Tots" Susie and Speedy, who made their debut at Whiskers N Paws today (with one of them being adopted), to the fuzzy-faced brothers Archer and Axel, adorable Ali with the softest character, and up to the larger "P" family of Pixie, Poncho, Paulie and Pepper.   You can see them all here Puppy Adoption Day 9th April 2023, with thanks to Kevin Chan for donating his time this Easter Sunday. 

Ruby was chosen in the end

I just love Archer

The adopters of Ruby had also visited a few times before choosing this special girl, a "Little White" who has many lookalikes in Hong Kong.  In fact if I went through my photos I could make a whole album of these little-eared, pink-nosed, medium-sized white dogs, and they don't just look alike, they also share the same sweet character.

Tino, Benji and Marnie

Sometimes I'm reminded of past dogs, often when I receive the sad news of their deaths.  It's inevitable that after so many years of working in dog rescue, and the fact that for larger dogs the life expectancy is far too short, that this will happen. Today's loss took me back to the time when scruffy dog Benji was first adopted.  He was a nervous boy, and as so often happens he ran away in the first few days of arriving in his Discovery Bay home.   That led to me going out there several times in the search for him, as back in those days I knew all the dogs personally, and many had even lived with me.  Happily he was caught, and ended up moving to Australia along with his two ex-HKDR "siblings", Marnie and Tino.  Marnie was also a very shy girl, so both she and Benji were very lucky to find such patient parents who worked so hard to turn them into almost-normal dogs.  

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