Tuesday 4 January 2022

Tues 4th Jan: A Lamma day

Shibas Donny, Damson and Gumbo plus Piggy and Dobby

 Iris and some volunteers came over to Lamma today to walk the dogs that recently moved from the Ap Lei Chau Homing Centre, and to take poodle Nobby and little Banjo back with them to get their rabies vaccinations and licenses updated at AFCD.  

As it happened, in the morning another one of the Lamma dogs at my house suddenly lost the use of her back legs, so it was lucky that Iris's visit coincided and Alicia also went back on the sampan to be sent on to Acorn.  She probably has IVDD (Intervertebral Disc Disease), which is unusual for a dog of her age and type (youngish mixed breed), and it does mean that she will have to stay at the Homing Centre for as long as she can rather than come back to Lamma.  In fact Alicia had previously been an office dog, and I suspect she'll be quite happy to be back "at work". 

The rest of the ex-Homing Centre dogs, mostly the "Shy Squad", who were recently sent over to Lamma as a group, are all doing very well and enjoying the freedom of the large area they have to run and play in together.  It does mean that their chances of being adopted are very low, but they have each other and I think they're very happy.   The space and freedom has made a big difference to shiba inu Donny, who was becoming a bit difficult at the Homing Centre due to the lack of space, once again proving that these dogs aren't really indoor pets, even if they are small in size. 

Monday's new puppies

Gumbo loves the beach

There was yet another message from AFCD, Pokfulam this time, to say there were two puppies available, so now we have five new additions this week. 

Guy and Gus are today's pair 


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