Saturday 15 January 2022

Sat 15th Jan: Introducing the new and almost new

 The ex-breeder shiba inu we were expecting on Friday came today instead, and rather than being a boy as I'd been told she's a girl,  now called Himari.  Although young, she has stiffness in her back legs which we'll need to get checked out, but at least she's free from a life of being forced to provide puppies for greedy breeders. 

Also as an update on another recent arrival, beagle boy MJ looks so much better after his 'cherry eye' surgery, and I imagine he feels as good as he looks.  It must be awful living with constant eye irritation and not being able to see properly, but even before his surgery he loved to play with a tennis ball. MJ is ten years old but still very active, as well as being a happy and friendly boy.

Several months ago we took in a litter of small-sized puppies who turned out to be infected with the distemper virus, the cruellest of diseases due to the fact that it takes months to know if a puppy has really recovered.  As often happens when a litter has been exposed to a virus, not all of them will be infected, and there was one lucky pup who  tested negative and was quickly adopted.  He has remained healthy ever since. 

Kimmy's trying to measure herself

Kimmy was the smallest of the litter and the first to show signs of being ill, and given her tiny size we all expected her to succumb.  However despite being on the edge of life and death for some time, Kimmy pulled through and has just been tested again, with a negative result for the distemper virus.  Now weighing just six kilos she'll be a small-medium size as an adult, and if you're interested in adopting her, or any other of our available dogs and puppies, please start by completing the adoption questionnaire at

Sunday is puppy afternoon at Whiskers N Paws as always, and yes, the Homing Centres are also open from 10am to 6pm every single day.  There was one lucky dog chosen at Tai Po today but I won't say who it is until she's picked up next week.  I can, however, say it wasn't older puppy Wilson, but I'm sure his turn will be coming very soon.  

I want to thank two regular donors of food for our dogs, that's if fresh organic bones count as food (I think they do).  The dogs are always excited when a delivery arrives from growsFresh , and the pile quickly disappears.  I get excited too, because I know I can look forward to a few hours of peace and quiet, other than the sound of contented gnawing. 

We also received another huge amount of donated food from Buddy Bites  today, and these donations now feed our Tai Po dogs almost completely, with only those on specialised diets needing alternatives.  You can imagine what a difference to our regular outgoings these food donations make, so a huge thank you to Buddy Bites!

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