Wednesday 15 December 2021

Weds 15th Dec: Getting close to an announcement (I hope)

There's nothing to report on the adoption front, as with Christmas very close now a lot of people are heading out of Hong Kong for family reunions, or just getting ready to celebrate at home in Hong Kong.  Every year around the world the same message is sent out from all rescue organisations, that a dog is for life, not only for Christmas, and that's as true as it ever was.  However we're still happy to see dogs and puppies leaving for new homes at any time of the year, as long as there's a commitment to forever, meaning for the dog's whole lifetime.  

I just wanted to share a shortened version of two very happy updates of recently adopted dogs, who funnily look very similar to each other.  Robbie is a smaller adult who stayed at our Ap Lei Chau Homing Centre, while Pebbles-now-Sally was a short-time Tai Po resident.  Both have found wonderful homes and of course we're all delighted to hear how well they're doing. 
Admiral Robbie

"Robbie (but we named him Admiral Robbie) is doing well. 
Anyway turns out Admiral is probably 3 or 4 years old [As with all such dogs the allocated age was an estimate only] so we are feeling very blessed because hopefully that means extra years with him. He certainly can do puppy zoomies around the flat. He has come out of his shell and loves to play, and barks a bit when he hears the monkeys at the botanical gardens.  He makes us smile every day. He’s interested in other dogs as long as they aren’t super loud.   I think sometimes he must miss having other dogs around him like he had at the ALC homing Centre.

(We named him Admiral and call him Admiral Robbie because we were watching a lot of classic WW2 movies when we adopted him and he also walks like he’s on patrol.🤣 of course ALC is also by the water so that was part of it too).

Thank you for all that you are doing and all the joy Admiral brings us." 

"I just wanted to share a few holiday photos with you of Sally (Pebbles). 

Rob and I wake surf and hike - Sally joins us on the trails and speedboat ðŸ˜ƒ

Merry Christmas !"

The photos I chose to share have one thing in common, and it's that both dogs are enjoying being outside, going for a walk and hiking.  

Regardless of size all dogs enjoy going out for walks, not only for the physical exercise but also for mental stimulation such as seeing and smelling interesting things outside of the home.  They also enjoy socialising with other dogs and meeting other people, and all of these things are important for a dog's overall well-being.  

Dogs can't amuse themselves at home by watching television or playing computer games, or any of the other things that humans do to keep themselves and their minds occupied.  Every dog owner owes it to their dog to provide adequate time outside, and the opportunity to safely run and play off leash.  If you don't have the time to do this, then please don't have a dog. 

 I haven't been lazing around even if there are no adoptions to report for today, as I was out again with Iris at the potential new Homing Centre, looking at layout possibilities and all of the things that have to be considered.  Hopefully I'll be able to make a confirmed announcement very soon, but for now it's still under wraps.

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