Monday 27 December 2021

Mon 27th Dec: Please don't get a dog unless it's for ever

 I wish I could write only about adoptions and other happy news, but unfortunately these days it's more about dogs being abandoned than the other way round.  Today started with a message about a dog that was adopted five years ago as a puppy, but she had become "too time-consuming" so the family wanted to "return" her.  How can you return something after five years?  Even if it was a handbag rather than a life you'd be laughed at if you tried that.  

The number of dogs being given up is reaching epidemic numbers, and it's certainly no laughing matter, not for us and certainly not for the dogs themselves.  It's tragic and really very upsetting to have to deal with these poor animals, so scared and confused about what is happening to them.  There are times when I really feel despair about the casual attitude towards dog ownership, and how little it means to so many.  I want to think that things will improve, but it's hard to believe that they will in the foreseeable future, so we would far rather keep the dogs with us until the right home is offered than let them go and have them returned at some point. 

Barlow was today's surrender

Barely a day goes by when we don't have a new arrival at our Tai Po Homing Centre, and today was no exception.  The dog in question is now called Barlow, and he's nine years old and highly unlikely to ever be adopted given the number of beautiful, sweet, young and friendly dogs that we have staying at the Homing Centre and still with no homes in sight. 

If I sound angry and upset it's because I am. I live with many dogs that have been with me since they were puppies, and most of them are well into their senior years now at thirteen, fourteen and even older.  I fully understand that it can be difficult, time-consuming, even annoying sometimes, but if you bring a dog into your home and life you need to think about those things before doing so, not afterwards.  When a dog is old and needs special and extra care it can be exhausting too, but nothing lasts for ever and those weeks or months of having to get up during the night will soon be over and just a memory. 

If you want a dog that is forever young, then foster don't adopt.

If you want a dog that will never chew your furniture or pee on your carpet, don't adopt a puppy.

If you prefer to spend your life lazing around rather than walking then get a cat, not a dog. 

If you want a puppy for your children to play with while they are young, then just don't. 

A dog is for life, not just for as long as it's enjoyable or convenient.  Think before you adopt. 

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