Tuesday 16 November 2021

Tues 16th Nov: T-shirts and Doggie Gelato

Tod is also a very happy boy now

 As the number of small dogs at our Ap Lei Chau Homing Centre starts to thin out (thankfully), you can take a look at staff member Eagle's Facebook page hkdr_eagle to see a few of those who are still waiting.  Some of these dogs were quite scared when they first arrived, so despite interest from potential adopters they needed time to accept being touched, then petted.  I fell in love with scruffy terrier-type River the moment I saw her, but she was one of the timid ones who pressed herself against the wall when anyone tried to approach.  With these dogs the first sign of them starting to feel more relaxed is that they secretly (thinking nobody will notice) sniff your legs from behind, then gradually their confidence increases when they see that it's safe and there's nothing to fear.  Watching the video of River so clearly enjoying her neck scratch really made me smile, and I know it won't be too long before she will be in a loving family where she can enjoy limitless scratches.  

Because I can't be in all places at the time, I enjoy looking at the different social media posts from the many HKDR supporters, volunteers and staff members who share photos and videos of the dogs and puppies.  It gives me as much pleasure to see them all as it does anyone from outside, as every single dog has its own story, individual characteristics and appearance.  The latest T-shirt design from Happy Woof mirrors my own feelings so well, and I was really happy to see this:

Rescued and Loved. Every dog has a place in our hearts ❤️
Whether they have been adopted, are still waiting for their families, or crossed over the rainbow bridge, every dog holds a special place in our hearts. This design is dedicated to all the dogs who have touched our lives, with their names embedded into the design. There are really too many to list, but we tried 😉 In particular we want to remember those who passed on before they found their forever homes. They may not have been officially adopted, but no matter what, we hope they knew that they were Rescued and Loved ❤️
Our new design is available for pre-order in our shop now, and 20% of proceeds will be donated to Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR), to help the hundreds of dogs who are waiting for their special someone. In the meantime they are loved by all the volunteers and staff! 🥰
Also available for pre-order: Love Tong Gau hoodies! 😍
Visit http://www.etsy.com/shop/HappyWoof or DM us for more information.

T-shirt details:
HK$180 each (self pickup at SF Express)
Screen printed on a 180g cotton t-shirt.
Available in black and white.
Hoodie details:
HK$280 each (self pickup at SF Express)
Screen printed on a 270g zip or pullover hoodie.
Available in navy and white.
Both items are on pre-order and expected to ship out in mid December.

Gino's Gelato at Stanley
Gino's Gelato donation in 2014!

It seems like such a long time ago that we were able to hold any of our big fundraising events like Peak to Fong, so we're incredibly grateful that our long-term supporters are still busy raising funds behind the scenes. If you have attended any of the Peak to Fong events you must remember the Gino's Doggie Gelato stand, and the ice cream eating competition which was always a favourite game at the street party. At the end, there would be a cheque presentation of funds raised from the sales of Doggie Gelato throughout the year, and today I got this great news:

"It’s time of year when we make the contribution for HKDR from the sale of Doggie Gelato at Gino’s. I am delighted to report that we made another record for sales in the last 12 months…. $52000…..up 25% on the prior year. Seems like Doggie Gelato has some really regular customers!!!

Doggie Gelato is available in two flavours ‘Beef’ and ‘Cheese’ at Gino’s Gelato at The Peak and in Stanley…specially created and prepared for our four-legged friends.

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