Monday 15 November 2021

Mon 15th Nov: Sad goodbyes

Robbie has settled in very quickly

 I'd mentioned Robbie's adoption a couple of days ago but I can share his going home photo today, as well as subsequent updates received from his new family letting us know how easily he's fitted in, and what a total star he is.  Sometimes it really is that easy, although with most dogs it takes a while for them to feel secure enough to ask for petting and games.  As I always say, dogs are as individual in character as humans, so there's never one rule that can cover them all.
Robbie loves a tennis ball

There was another very happy adoption confirmed today when senior Tai Po dog Diana's foster status was upgraded to forever, proving once again that it's never too late, and a dog's never too old.  I hope we'll be getting an at-home adoption photo I can share very soon.

There was more good news as we received an email from ForeverGift 遺善最樂 (forevergift.hkinforming us that Ms Janice Leung has made a Will to include a legacy donation to HKDR, which is a wonderful gift for the future and something we're most grateful for.  Making a Will is something a lot of people put off as nobody likes to think about the end of life, but having done this myself not too long ago it's really worth considering.  You can visit the ForeverGift 遺善最樂 (forevergift.hkwebsite or Facebook page to see for yourself what's involved and how it all works. 

Oscar's adoption photo with Terry

We're also grateful for the donations we receive from families when their beloved dog dies, things like unused medications, toys and beds, items that are perhaps too painful to keep as reminders.  Loss is almost always an inevitable part of having a dog as part of the family, something I'm all too familiar with, not only those dogs that live with me on Lamma but also those I have known as puppies, or perhaps even as adults when they stayed at Tai Po.  I was very sad to hear from Terry, our adopter-of-many, that a dog called Oscar had died after having been taken into Terry's home as a senior, as I knew Oscar as a baby called Fabian, and remember his failed adoption (when his name was changed to Oscar).  He was a favourite of a certain volunteer until she left Hong Kong, and that's when Terry stepped in.  Oscar is the same "breed" as my special dog Griffin, who himself is no youngster any more, so this news was particularly sad.  At least Oscar had a home for the last years of his life, and that's far more than many dogs have. 

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