Saturday 20 November 2021

Sat 20th Nov: Waiting for Sunday

 I have a theory that the good weather equates to fewer visitors to the Homing Centres, as people head out to the hills to enjoy the best time of the year for walking.  That's one way of saying I have no adoptions to write about today, although of course we did have some visitors to both Tai Po and Ap Lei Chau and I hope that will lead to some dogs or puppies going home very soon. 

Raisin's head returns to normal

It's worth mentioning that I'd referred the other day to small-sized puppy Raisin having a dome-shaped head, which certain breeds do, but today the dome had grown so it was clearly not the real shape of Raisin's skull.  We sent her straight up the road to ALCVC to have it checked, and it turned out to be a haematoma, or giant blood blister, which was easily drained.  So please scratch that description of little Raisin because she no longer has a dome-shaped head and is now perfectly normal.  You can meet her, and all of the other puppies not staying in foster homes,, every single day at the Ap Lei Chau Homing Centre from 10am to 6pm, or at Whiskers N Paws any Sunday from 2pm to 4pm.  

If you already have your dog and aren't looking for another, why not head over to Central for a meet-up and drink with other dog families.  You'll be helping HKDR while having a good time!

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