Sunday 6 August 2023

Sun 6th Aug: Ins and Outs

 I used the word "Ins" for the subject heading, not because we had any new dogs arriving today, but because they'll be coming on Monday and I wanted to give advance warning.  Read to the end of the post for some details of what's expected. 

Luke has a new home!

One of today's adoptions was a particularly happy one because Luke had only a few days left in his foster home before he would need to come back to the Homing Centre, something we wanted to avoid if at all possible.  After living as part of a family for so long it would have been very hard for Luke, but now that won't be happening as he has his own forever home.  Even better, he'll still be able to enjoy the sea sports that he's become so good at during his Sai Kung days.
Pip and his new family 

Also leaving from Whiskers N Paws, and another very happy adoption, was that of little Pip.  That's one more name ticked off the list of the 'Group of 19', the puppies that arrived together in February.  Paxton has taken Pip's place at Whiskers N Paws, and I hope he has the same good fortune.  

With Penny also recently adopted, I think I'm correct in thinking that there's now only Pippa and Paxton remaining from the nineteen, and it will certainly be a happy day when that file can finally be closed. 

Jimmy Tsang was today's photographer, and as always his wonderful shots are well worth checking out  Puppy Adoption Day 6th Aug 2023

Lovely Betty 

One more dog left Kennedy Town today, this time for a short trial with the resident dog, also ex-HKDR, and I'm pretty sure this will work out without any problems.  In fact, I'm going to do what I almost never do and give the name - Betty.  

Chester also found his new home, this time without another dog so the jealousy issue won't arise.  Poodles can be demanding in that way, maybe because they're so intelligent and tend to get treated like human babies, developing similar behaviour.  

Labrador puppy?

Now for the anticipated new arrivals, including some small-sized puppies that we'll be needing foster homes for.  All of the dogs are either small adults or puppies, except for one who looks like it's a labrador puppy.  I don't have any information about age or sex, and as always there's a chance that some won't turn up and others will be added. 

For all adoption enquiries please complete the Adoption Questionnaire:

Baby pups need foster homes

For fostering please complete the questionnaire at or email Cindy at if you're already registered as a foster.


1 comment:

  1. Congrats to Luke, Pip, Betty and Chester! What a happy day!
