Friday 8 September 2023

Fri 8th Sept: After the rain, more rain

 I hadn't realised when I was writing yesterday's post, how much havoc had been caused by the Black Rain during Thursday night.  I'm talking about my Lamma base rather than anywhere else, because I was busy all day clearing mud and emptying dog houses that had been filled with water, so there wasn't much time in between to check emails and reply.  It seems that the rain is going to be continuing for some days yet, but of course we'll be open for business as we always are. 

Not only were we operating  as usual, but we took in some new dogs at our Kennedy Town North Street Centre, the poodles/bichon frise, and a pom that I'd mentioned before. I haven't had the time to come up with names just yet as they didn't turn up until later in the afternoon and while I was still working outside, but they are all middle-aged except for one bichon doglet who is still under a year old (not the four months as we were told). 
This boy is probably 10 months old 

We will obviously be sending the new dogs to the vet for full health checks, but in the meantime it would be extremely helpful to send them to foster homes.  If you can help, please complete the foster questionnaire at or email Cindy at if you are already registered as a foster home.  The dogs aren't sick, but most will need dental work and some have the inevitable wobbly knees (patella luxation). 

We already have many small and medium sized dogs of all ages ready for adoption, including poodles and bichon, and you can see some of their photos here.  For details about each dog please go to our website 
Arthur the pug has already been adopted 

The adorable Rex and Nova are also waiting for a forever home, but obviously loving their life in foster care in the meantime.  These two dogs are very bonded and will have to stay together, as you can see from the video.

Terrier pup Navy was picked up from Whiskers N Paws for fostering, but I have a feeling she won't be coming back anytime soon. 

For all adoption enquiries please start by completing the adoption questionnaire at, thank you.

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