Thursday 7 September 2023

Fri 7th Sept: Thank you, we're OK

We have a full swimming pool!

 I'm so happy that the roofing blown off the Lamma shelters during the typhoon had just been replaced, because the Black Rain wasn't something I'd been expecting.   I'm not sure anyone else was either, but fortunately our staff member Rebecca was able to get to the Tai Po Centre first thing and, being on a steep hill, there's no flooding.  We do, however, have a very full swimming pool, not by design I should add. Usually this area is where some dogs stay, but luckily they can get out and to a higher level. 

Our Kennedy Town Centres are also fine, so now I just hope staff and volunteers can make their way over for the necessary first-thing-in-the-morning cleaning. 

I need to remind all dog owners that the rain brings more than just flooding, it's also when leptospirosis returns.  Please don't think that vaccinating your dogs against this disease means they won't be infected, because it's not a guarantee at all.  The best way to keep your dogs safe is to stay away from fresh water sources, especially any that run down from the top of a mountain.  The streams may look clean and refreshing for dogs to splash in and drink from, but the contamination from rat urine carries leptospirosis (lepto). Some dogs have already died, and others are very sick with kidney failure.  If you suspect your dog could have been infected, get to a vet as quickly as possible. 

Gorgeous Arthur is adopted 

Getting back to earlier in the day, our lovely pug Arthur was adopted from Kennedy Town North Street.  He'd been an almost-adopted dog a few times before, but this lucky family were the ones who got to take him home. 


It's also a relief that Malamute Moose found a foster home before the rain came, and he stayed safe and dry inside.  

The new dogs are due to come on Friday, the poodles and a pom, so we will hopefully be getting at least some of them into foster homes temporarily.  I don't have any details about age or anything else other than for one puppy, as shown.  I imagine there will be quite a few enquiries for this lovely boy, and as always we will choose the home that can offer the best life.

For all adoption enquiries please start by completing the questionnaire at  Can I also ask that everyone fills in the address in full, as having to go to Google maps to find out where the street or building is located is both annoying and time consuming.  Give as much information as you can, with additional notes at the bottom of the form as needed.  Thank you. 

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