Wednesday 21 September 2022

Weds 21st Sept: Feeling nostalgic


 It seems that wobbly knees are the big problem with some of our newest Kennedy Town dogs, with both poodle Frodo and shiba inu Sakura needing surgery on both (back) legs to fix the patella luxation. This is such a common issue with the smaller dogs especially, and it's always best to get everything sorted sooner rather than later as this isn't a condition that can get better by itself.  Now we need foster homes for both of these dogs so they have recover in peace and quiet and without being jumped on or knocked by other dogs.  If you can help with this, please email Cindy at, remembering that with a double surgery the time needed is a few months if possible.

It's such a relief to be able to open the windows at home and to walk the dogs properly now that the weather has cooled somewhat, and this is also a great time for the Tai Po dogs that can resume the hikes with volunteers.  Remember you have to be a registered volunteer with experience to be able to apply to take the dogs out for the day, but for those of you who are eligible this is something the dogs really enjoy. 

Who was there? P2F 2018

At this time of year we would previously have been looking forward to the approaching fundraising season, with our traditional big events like Peak to Fong and the Gala Dinner.  They both seem like distant memories now, and with every year that passes when we're unable to host fundraisers we're having to rely more and more on much smaller income from direct donations, such as the Life Saver Club monthly sponsorship programme (please email for details). 
I loved this amazing work for our Sarge'n'Pepper Gala Dinner

While income has dropped dramatically our monthly overheads have increased, likewise the number of dogs we're being asked to take in, especially at our Tai Po Homing Centre.  This is a time when we have to ask for your support more than ever,  because at some time soon we won't be able to help the dogs like Frodo and Sakura who need expensive surgery, or to accept those dogs who are unlikely to be adopted (meaning the large adult mixed breeds).  We have paid a very high price in every way for the forced move from our Homing Centre at Ap Lei Chau, and while everyone is hoping that we're getting to the end of this very difficult period, right now there doesn't seem to be that end in sight. 

To find out how you can help, please check out this link:

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