Thursday 22 September 2022

Thurs 22nd Sept: Always something happening

 Sometimes it feels as though nothing's happening, but of course that's not true as every day is full, even if it's just taking care of the dogs and puppies, and for me the now-daily routine of caring for a sick dog, and the seniors whose dementia can make things somewhat challenging. 

A sweet thank you from Mascot 

The highlight of any day is seeing a dog or puppy being adopted. and today it was the turn of Mascot.  I think the photo says it all really. 
Poor Pigly had some issues when he first came to us

Not a day goes by when there isn't also an emergency vet case, and today it was pug Pigly who had to be rushed to Acorn when an eye became red and swollen.  Unfortunately the only option was to remove the eye, and what's particularly sad is that Pigly had just passed an adoption interview and was due to move from his foster home to his forever family.  He's currently still in hospital, while we wait to hear if the adoption will still go ahead.

Piper and friends

In another sad case of a small dog suddenly suffering what turned out to be catastrophic injury, Lamma resident Piper had to be sent to Acorn on Tuesday when he couldn't stand up in the morning.  He was treated for neck pain but the problem only got worse, and today euthanasia was recommended.  We assume there had been some rough play or an argument with another dog, but whatever caused the injury didn't alter the result. 

Piper came to us as a difficult character, which is why he was living on Lamma, but over the years he changed into a happy and affectionate boy, just like all of the others at the Lamma House for Small dogs.  He now joins the list of our HKDR Forever Dogs.
Piper out walking

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